Road show organized by the TAT in Guangzhou: 7.3 million Chinese tourists expected in 2024

Connor 抹茶交易平台app 2024-10-14 8 0

On September 3rd, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), in collaboration with the Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA),the National Research Councilof Thailand (NRCT),and the King Power Corporation, led a delegation of 60 Thai tourism companies and partners to host the 2024 Amazing Thailand Road Show to Chinain Guangzhou. This event, which also takes place in Beijing, saw the participation ofover 285 tourism businesses and media outlets in Guangzhou.

Road show organized by the TAT in Guangzhou: 7.3 million Chinese tourists expected in 2024

Earlier this summer, TAT officially introduced the "Five MustDo in Thailand": Must-Taste, Must-Try, Must-Buy, Must-Explore, and Must-See. "Must-Taste" highlights Thai cuisine, showcasing the unique flavors and dining customs of different regions."Must-Try" includes Muay Thaiand other globally renowned arts."Must-Buy" focuses on Thai silk and handicrafts, telling the stories of Thai life, creativity, and inspiration."Must-Explore" encourages discovering new destinations and travel experiences."Must-See" refers to Thailand's festivals, reflecting the diverse lifestyles and beliefs across the country.

As of August 17th, over 4.534 million Chinese tourists have visited Thailand this year, making China the largest source of international visitors to the country.


In 2025, Thailand and China will celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations. To mark this milestone, TAT has planned a series of events, kicking off early with activities such as the "Amazing Thailand, Mid-Autumn Night" eventon September 17th, KOLs Mega FAM Trip, and the "Nihao Month" in October 2024, dedicated to fostering China-Thailand friendship.

Road show organized by the TAT in Guangzhou: 7.3 million Chinese tourists expected in 2024

TAT has declared 2025 as the "Amazing Thailand Grand TourismYear" and warmly invites global travelers to experience the charm of Thailand. The agency anticipates that these ongoing activities, coupled with the upcoming "Nihao Month", will help Thailand achieve its target of welcoming 7.3 million Chinese tourists in 2024, with the potential to exceed 8 million.

Currently, there are over 230 weekly flights between Guangdong province and Thailand, restoring 85%-87% of the 2019 level, offering approximately 43,046 seats. Guangdong remains the leading source of tourists traveling from China to Thailand.

Mr. Chuwit Sirivajjakul, TAT Executive Director for East Asia Region,noted that the China-Thailand tourism market is still in a phase of rapid recovery. As flight availability continues to increase, the number of visitors is expected to grow quickly. Thailand is fully prepared to welcome more tourists and will enhance cooperation with the police and relevant agencies to ensure the safety of visitors.

"For Chinese tourists concerned about language barriers, rest assured that Chinese signage and information are readily available at scenic spots, hotels, and restaurants to facilitate your travel and shopping experience," Mr. Chuwit Sirivajjakul added.


9月3日,泰国国家旅游局(TAT)偕同泰国观光旅游协会(ATTA)、国家研究院及王权免税集团(King Power),率领60家泰国旅游企业及合作伙伴在穗举办2024泰国旅游推介会·中国路演广州站活动。据悉,此次推介活动分别在广州、北京两地举行,其中广州站有超过285家旅游企业及媒体参与。

Road show organized by the TAT in Guangzhou: 7.3 million Chinese tourists expected in 2024



2025年,中泰建交将迎来五十周年。泰国国家旅游局为此筹备了一系列活动,并已提早全面开启,包括今年9月17日的中秋节中泰友好活动、互联网达人独家尊享采风活动,以及覆盖2024年整个10月的“Nihao Month”(中泰友好月)活动。





文丨记者 刘星彤



